Step & Sculpt

A simple, step-based workout over 45 minutes.

What will I learn in this class?
Sessions begin with a functional warmup before increasing the tempo with a series of simple, aerobic step moves designed to burn fat, build core strength and improve balance.

What are the benefits of this class?
Through body weight-focused step exercises, this class helps to strengthen and tone the body, particularly the glutes, legs and core muscles. Participants also burn calories while gradually improving their stamina and endurance.

Who will teach this class?
Tomoe Kaneko (pictured) has been teaching fitness classes since 1982. She is a certified instructor in Pilates, dance conditioning, step aerobics and maternity-focused exercise.


  • Fri: 10:15–11am
  • Fri: 10:30–11:15am (from Aug 30)
  • Activity Rooms (B1)
  • Free
  • Members only
  • Ages 16 & above


Booking a Class

  • Reserve from one week in advance.
  • Reservations: このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。 | 03-4588-0681
  • Courtesy: Members are asked to arrive before the start of the class.


  • To cancel a booking, Members must contact the Recreation Desk at least 24 hours before the class.
  • Members who fail to cancel at least 24 hours before their class will be charged ¥1,320.
  • No-shows will be charged ¥1,320.