Aikido (Fall)

Learn the culture and techniques of a modern Japanese martial art in a fun environment.

What will I learn in this class?

Open to ages 15 and above, this class focuses on the fundamentals and discipline of aikido. The emphasis of the martial art is on using an opponent's energy to defend oneself while protecting them from injury. Students learn how to "blend" with an attack, rather than meeting force with force. Over time, exponents develop a measured calm when faced with situations of conflict. No previous experience is necessary.

What are the benefits of this class?
Students develop coordination, agility and self-confidence while learning the skills and discipline necessary to practice aikido safely and enjoyably.

Who will teach this class?
Paul Neuman (pictured) is the founder and chief instructor of Pacific Aikido and a sixth-degree black belt. Originally from Vancouver, Canada, he has been teaching aikido to adults and children since 1991. As part of Pacific Aikido, the Club's aikido group is a registered dojo of the Aikikai Foundation-Aikido World Headquarters.


  • Sep 6–Dec 6 (12 classes, no classes: Oct 18, Nov 22; optional class: Dec 13)
  • Wed | 6:30–7:30pm | Ages 15 & above
  • ¥44,035
  • Cancel by Sep 6 (9pm)


  • Sep 3–Dec 3 (12 classes, no classes: Oct 22, Nov 26; optional class: Dec 10)
  • Sun | 9–10am | Ages 15 & above
  • ¥44,035
  • Cancel by Sep 3 (9pm)


  • Trial or makeup classes: contact このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。 or 03-3350-5434
  • Uniforms/weapons available from Pacific Aikido: from ¥8,000


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