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金, 28 10月 2022 00:00

Member Satisfaction Up in 2022 Survey

The Club received an overall satisfaction score of more than 91 percent in this year's membership satisfaction survey.

Of the 1,779 Members who completed the survey in September, just over 91 percent said they were either "very satisfied" or "somewhat satisfied" with Club offerings. That figure is up from last year's 88 percent.

Overall membership value increased by 9.4 percent from 2021, while the Club's "net promoter score," which reflects how likely Members are to recommend membership to others, grew from +17 to +30 (a score above 20 is deemed favorable).

Of the 27 areas of the Azabudai Club evaluated in the survey, 18 improved their ratings from last year, with Member Services receiving the most favorable assessment.

The Nihonbashi Club also saw an increase in satisfaction from 87 percent in 2021 to nearly 92 percent this year.

Members can check the full survey results (log-in required) here.