金, 25 8月 2017 00:00

Board Election Slate Released

The Board of Governors has approved the slate of candidates for this year's Board election.

The election will be held in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting on November 21.

Those Members not on the slate can still run in the election, provided they meet the requirements, including gathering the signatures of 30 registered Voting Members.

Nominations should be submitted to the Management Office by 5pm on September 7.

The following approved list of candidates was proposed by the Club's Nominating Committee:

American Citizens (four to be elected)          
Michael Alfant
John Flanagan
Karim Hakam
Matthew Krcelic
Samuel Rogan
Betsy Rogers
Michael Van Zandt

Japanese Citizens (one to be elected)
Koichi Komoda
Kenji Ota
Other Nationalities (one to be elected)
Wolfgang Bierer
Alok Rakyan

Women’s Group Representative (one to be elected)  
Chalice Markowitz