Hit the Road

Hit the Road

Enjoy natural getaways at your own pace with Dream Drive.

With the approach of summer, the allure of Japan’s land­scapes and picturesque nature beckons, inviting you to indulge in a world beyond the heat and the hustle and bustle of Tokyo’s confines.

Dream Drive’s campervans provide an effortless way to explore the country’s enchanting beauty, without compromising on convenience, comfort or luxury. And with stunning lakes, beaches, rivers and green mountains all within a two-hour drive of Tokyo, getting away for a weekend escape or longer holiday couldn’t be easier.

Japan is the perfect place for taking full advantage of a recreational vehicle (RV), thanks to the many campsites and road­side stations known as michinoeki that can be found through­out the country. With a Dream Drive campervan, the free­dom to escape the city is yours, any time you desire. Whether it’s a week­end retreat with family and friends, a leisurely get­­away with your pets or a holiday to pursue your favorite out­door hobbies, the possibilities are endless. Japan’s diverse landscapes become your personal playground as you uncover and experience the country’s hidden gems at your own pace.

Dream Drive campervans are meticu­lously crafted in Tokyo by Japanese arti­sans, who blend traditional creativity and modern innova­tion to create campers with every­thing you need to vacation in style. Every Dream Drive camper­van is built using top-quality materials and comes standard with state-of-the-art sub-battery electrical and water systems, ensuring that your holidays are as comfortable and convenient as they are memorable. The company is supported by an English-speaking team, who can help walk you through a seamless and personalized experience from start to finish.

Tyson Faa, head of marketing at Dream Drive, says that hitting the road has been trans­forma­tive for him and his loved ones.

“Campers have opened up a whole new way of life for my family in Japan. An RV gives you the freedom to be able to travel on a whim, go with the flow and adjust your schedule as needed,” he explains. “It’s comfortable and easy to holiday in nature without needing to pre-book or worry about accommodations. You can avoid crowds and focus on spending time with those you love in incredible destinations, while still having most of the comforts of home.”

Learn more about Dream Drive: www.dreamdrive.life

June 2023